Face Lifting

With time:

  • the skin loses its elasticity and moisture (causes: photoaging, environmental factors, smoking, alcohol, emotional stress),
  • facial fat stops being held in place, causing it to “move” downwards and forwards,
  • the skeleton changes, shrinks, the zygomatic arch and the chin project forward.

The face loses its firmness, shine, spots, wrinkles and sagging. The volumes of the face ‘descend’ downwards, while some parts of the skeleton project more forward. Thus, the face becomes longer and wider at the bottom. The plastic surgeon must keep all of these in mind to create a successful facelift.

Definition of Lifting
A face lift is a surgical procedure that corrects the sagging of the face and neck, while at the same time restoring its volume.

Best age for facelift
There is no rule. Generally from the age of 40 onwards, the facelift can be performed.

Each person ages differently, and this is due to genes and environment. Usually the interested person who comes and asks for a facelift has caught himself/herself in front of the mirror many times straightening the face with both hands. When this happens, then the next stage is a facelift.

An important factor for before and after are preventive treatments that tighten the skin and make it react in a different way to the surgical interventions of the lifting.

Lifting Procedure
In the previous meetings between the interested party and the Plastic Surgeon, all possible correction solutions, the real expectations of the patient, the surgical procedure, as well as the post-operative instructions should have been discussed .

If deemed necessary, some tests may precede the surgery.

On the morning of the operation, the patient comes to the clinic fasting from 8 o’clock. The necessary pre-operative examination is carried out and then the surgery.

There are different methods to correct facial and neck sagging. When the relaxation is normal or large, then we apply the classic lifting technique. With a moderate relaxation, we have the possibility to resort to newer techniques, such as mini-lifting and MACS Lifting (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension).

In the classic facelift, the incision starts at the temple and continues forward and behind the ear. The skin breathes and then prepares the SMAS, the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system, which straightens. Loose skin is removed.
In the mini-lift, the extent of skin incision and preparation of the SMAS is much smaller.

the MACS lift, (done with local and light anesthesia), the incision is limited in front of the ear and rises slightly to the temple. The SMAS is suspended with the help of two loop-shaped sutures. The suspension is carried out on the vertical axis (the neck is also straightened).

At the end of the surgery, the patient wears a pressure bandage on the face.

After surgery, an overnight stay in the clinic is recommended. For the MACS lift and mini-lift, it is possible to leave the clinic the same evening with instructions.

Recovery – Healing Time after Facelift
It takes 5 – 7 days for the oozing and excessive swelling to reduce. For about 10 days, it is recommended that the patient wears an elastic bandage on the face and head, and when sleeping she must have 2 pillows under her/his head. Washing the head is allowed after the first 2 days. During the first days, hard foods are prohibited, while exercise is allowed after the month.

Additional Information – Facelift FAQs

What is the key to the success of a facelift?
Success depends largely on the correct assessment of relaxation. An important factor is the quality of the skin and age.

How much skin should be removed in a facelift?
The rule is that the skin is not under tension when suturing. With newer facelift techniques, we tend to remove less skin. It is the suspension of the SMAS that makes the difference in the facelift, not the removal of the skin.

How many years does the interested person gain with Lifting?
With the facelift we gain 7-10 years, but the aging process does not stop. The clock is indeed turning back, but it continues to turn.

What medications or nutritional supplements should be stopped before surgery?
Vitamin E, multivitamins, aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be discontinued 1 month prior to surgery. It is also recommended to stop smoking 15 days before.

Side Effects – Complications after Lifting
Possible side effects – complications: Inflammation, hematoma, flap necrosis.

Face Lift Cost
The cost of the facelift is adjusted depending on the surgical technique, anesthesia, etc.

Face Lift Results
The results of the facelift are permanent, and the patient gains 7 – 10 years. The aging process continues, that is, the clock of time has turned back, but it continues to turn.

A facelift is the only option a Plastic Surgeon has to correct sagging of the face and neck, and is not a substitute for any other treatment. The younger the patient, the better the skin responds after the facelift.


Blepharoplasty surgery includes upper and lower eyelid surgery bilaterally.

It is limited to the upper eyelids (at the age of 35 and above) when we want to correct only the loose skin of the upper eyelid and not to interfere with the lower eyelids.

In the same way, it is limited to the lower eyelids when we want to correct only the bags on the lower eyelids.

Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Plastic Procedure The procedure of blepharoplasty is very simple. On the morning of the operation, the necessary standard pre-operative check-up is performed. Then, eyelid surgery is performed with the help of local anesthesia or intoxication. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty corrects excess skin and removes it. At the same time, it removes the fat that can project the inner corner of the eye. In this way, the inner corner of the eye is emphasized more, resulting in a more youthful look. The surgical incision – scar is placed on the natural crease of the upper eyelid, and is not visible. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty removes excess fat while redistributing the volumes, correcting the tear trough deformity and skin laxity (skin removal). The surgical incision – scar is placed near the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, and is not visible. Plastic surgery of the lower eyelid can be done with an incision inside the eyelid when we only want to correct the bags and not interfere with the skin. The interested party leaves the clinic in the afternoon of the same day. Bruising (lasting 3 – 15 days), or edema – swelling (lasting 3 – 5 days) in the area around the eyelids may occur. The stitches come out on the 5th day, and it is recommended that the patient wear sunglasses for the first time.

Recovery – Recovery Time after Blepharoplasty
Recovery after blepharoplasty is short, and the person concerned can immediately (3-4 days) return to his/her occupations with some precautions.

Additional Information – Frequently Asked Questions about Blepharoplasty
With blepharoplasty surgery, we cannot correct dark circles due to the transparency of the skin and the presence of a venous network. However, it is possible that they will improve, due to the improvement of the blood supply in the area. Wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet) are not corrected with blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty can also be combined with other operations, such as eyebrow lift, canthopexy and small mid-face lift.

Side Effects – Complications of Blepharoplasty
Possible side effects and complications are rare, including bleeding, excessive skin or fat removal, conjunctivitis, etc. Good surgical technique and postoperative monitoring almost eliminate the occurrence of complications.

Blepharoplasty results
The results of blepharoplasty are permanent and last over time.

Cost – Price of Blepharoplasty
The cost of blepharoplasty depends on whether other operations will be performed at the same time, such as canthopexy, eyebrow lift or mid-face lift. In any case, it adapts to the expectations and wishes of the interested party.


Blepharoplasty in women and men is a very common operation in Plastic Surgery. With blepharoplasty, the plastic surgeon provides a solution to the loosening of the skin of the upper eyelid (feeling of heaviness in the eyes, difficulty with makeup for women, dermal chalazion for men) and in the bags, and in the relaxation of the lower eyelid.

Extra blepharoplasty tip:

Upper eyelid plastic surgery is best combined with eyebrow lift for optimal results.

Eyebrow lift

Recovery – Brow Lift Recovery Time – Brow Lift
Recovery is short. The patient can return to daily activities after 3 days to one week (depends on the surgical technique). At first the patient wears a light pressure bandage for 1-2 days. Sutures are removed at 5 – 7 days. The results are permanent and last over time.

Brow lifting is the lifting of the arch of the tail of the eyebrows achieved with the help of stitches. It concerns women and men from the age of 35 who want to acquire a rested look. Over time there is a drooping of the eyebrow, and the look takes on a tired look. The lifting operation can be combined with the blepharoplasty operation.

Eyebrow Lift surgery procedure

The operation procedure is very simple. The interested party comes to the clinic on the day of the operation, where the standard pre-operative check follows. Then, the surgery is performed with local anesthesia or with the help of local anesthesia.

We distinguish the following two surgical eyebrow lifting techniques:

  • through a small incision on the side of the head, the eyebrow is prepared and straightened,
  • through an incision in the hairy part of the eyebrow, the eyebrow is lifted and held deep in the tissues.

The patient leaves the clinic the same day with instructions.

Additional Information – Brow Lift FAQs
A small lift of the eyebrow can be achieved by using Botox Dysport or hyaluronic. The lift of the eyebrow corrects a small amount of sagging of the skin of the upper eyelid, and can precede blepharoplasty.

Side Effects – Brow Lift Complications – Brow Lift
The possible side effects are edema (swelling), ecchymoses (bruises), periodic hypoesthesia, hematoma.

Eyebrow Lift Results
The results of eyebrow lifting improve and relax the look. Many times eyebrow lifting is preferable to blepharoplasty, especially when there is a small amount of sagging in the upper eyelid.

Cost – Brow Lifting Price – Brow Lift
The cost depends on the surgical technique of eyebrow lifting, the type of anesthesia, the combination or not with blepharoplasty.


  • Brow Lift is a frequent operation in Plastic Surgery.
  • It corrects the tired – heavy look, and can easily be combined with blepharoplasty.
  • For the Plastic Surgeon, it is the alternative solution to correct the sagging of the upper eyelid, and it applies to women and men.

Permanent facial implants

Permanent implants are materials made of solid silicone or other material (Medpor polyethylene), which are placed on the face to augment the cheekbones, chin and lower jaw. These materials have a specific shape and volume.

Who are suitable candidates for cheekbone, chin or lower jaw augmentation?

Suitable candidates are those who have suffered facial trauma, as well as those who wish to improve its proportions by accentuating the cheekbones, chin or widening the jaw.

Facial Augmentation Procedure (cheekbones, chin, lower jaw) with permanent implants
The process is simple. On the morning of the operation, the interested person comes to the clinic, fasting, and the necessary pre-operative check-up is carried out. Then, under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, an incision is usually made inside the mouth, in the groove created by the mucous membrane of the lips and jaw, and the area where the implant will be placed is prepared. The incision is closed with absorbable sutures that do not require removal. The patient can leave the clinic the afternoon of the operation or the next morning.

Recovery – Recovery Time from Face Augmentation with permanent implants
Return to activities is allowed after one week. In the beginning, soft food and frequent mouth washes are recommended. There may be slight skin tension during the first 48 hours.

Side Effects – Complications after Face Augmentation with permanent implants
Possible side effects include inflammation, hematoma, swelling of the area, ecchymoses and, very rarely, reactive tissue formation or nerve injury and area paresthesia.

Cost of Permanent Facial Implants
The cost of the operation is not high, and it is adjusted according to the anesthesia and the insert.


In Plastic Surgery, facial augmentation surgery with permanent implants permanently restores the volume lost in the cheekbones, giving a more youthful appearance. Chin implants harmonize its projection with the upper jaw, while implants on the sides of the lower jaw create more volume and widen its shape. Because a face is characterized by the skin, the fat together with the subcutaneous tissues, but also its bony skeleton, many times it is considered necessary to intervene on the skeleton by the Plastic Surgeon, in order to achieve a harmonious face.


With rhinoplasty we correct:
The bony pyramid of the nose (hybrid), the diaphragm (which in most cases is crooked and makes breathing difficult), the tip of the nose (it can be round like a bulb or square). The length of the nose decreases and the angle between the upper lip and the nose is blunted. At the end of the operation, the patient wears a very small splint on the back of the nose and two special tampons in the nostrils. It is recommended to stay for one night in the clinic.

The proportions of the nose should be in harmony with the proportions of the face.

By the term rhinoplasty or nose job, we mean the surgery to correct the shape of the nose for mainly aesthetic reasons.

We distinguish between:

  • closed rhinoplasty,
  • open rhinoplasty.

Closed or simple rhinoplasty treats simple situations of correction of the hump (hump) and apical nose.

Open rhinoplasty offers better visibility of the skeleton and more precision in correcting the anatomy of the nose.

Rhinoplasty surgery is carried out from the age of 18 and above.

Rhinoplasty Procedure
The process is simple. On the morning of the operation, the patient comes to the clinic fasting, and the necessary laboratory test is carried out. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Closed rhinoplasty lasts less than open rhinoplasty. In the closed one, the incisions are made inside the mucous membrane of the nostrils. In open rhinoplasty, the incision is made at the narrowest part of the stylet and extends into the nostrils. In the open, we have complete detachment of the skin from the skeleton (osteochondrium) of the nose. The good visibility of the skeleton enables the Plastic Surgeon to better harmonize the cartilaginous parts of the nose (precise excision of cartilages, placement of sutures for straightening and convergence of the cartilages, possibility of placement of a segment of cartilage for better support of the skeleton). For the above reasons, in complex or demanding noses, the operation of choice is open rhinoplasty.

Recovery – Rhinoplasty Recovery Time
The postoperative course is not painful at all. The tampons come out in 2 days and the splint in 7 days. After removing the tampons, saline washes are recommended. When open rhinoplasty is performed, the stitches in the skin (2 – 3 maximum) are removed at 5 – 6 days. The juices in the area last 7-10 days at most. Most of the swelling (swelling) that occurs subsides within 2 weeks, but it takes 2-6 months for the swelling to completely subside. It is recommended that the patient not wear glasses for at least 2 months. Also, exercise is not allowed for the first month.

Additional Information – Rhinoplasty FAQs

Can I choose between closed or open rhinoplasty?

The possibility of open rhinoplasty should be discussed with the person concerned before the operation. Open allows more and more precise manipulations, and is often considered necessary.

Does open rhinoplasty leave a scar on the skin?
The scar left by open rhinoplasty looks like a very thin white line at the narrowest part of the stylus that is not noticeable.

What should I expect from rhinoplasty surgery?
Rhinoplasty comes to provide a solution to the deformity of the nose that concerns a large part of the population. It corrects the osteochondral skeleton of the nose. The nose is in the form of a pyramid, and for this reason when one side is disturbed, the rest must also be disturbed in order for it to close. A nose that is too big cannot be turned into a nose that is too small, because the skin cannot follow the skeleton.

Does rhinoplasty surgery hurt?
Most of the time it is completely painless.

Side Effects – Rhinoplasty Complications
Among the possible side effects are: bleeding, inflammation, horseshoe nose, internal valve collapse.

Results of Rhinoplasty
The results of rhinoplasty are permanent.

Cost – Price of Rhinoplasty
The cost depends on the technique that will be chosen, and is adapted to the needs of the interested party.


The rhinoplasty method – technique must be very precise, because even a millimeter can change the result. The plastic surgeon must have an excellent knowledge of the anatomy of the nose.

Carbon tips should be avoided, because each face has its own peculiarities. For some cases, the nose can be improved with injectable Botox and hyaluronic acid.

This is a very frequent operation in Plastic Surgery, of medium severity.

Extra rhinoplasty tip:

In some cases, injectables such as hyaluronic acid and botox can noticeably improve the anatomy of the nose without surgery (#nose job with fillers)


Definition of Otoplasty or Ear Plastic

Otoplasty is the operation that corrects the detached ears, i.e. the ears that “fly away”.

The abnormality in the anatomy of the ears is due to:

  • in their great size,
  • in the absence of anthelial formation,
  • in orbital hypertrophy, etc.

The disorder may be unilateral or bilateral.

Who is Otoplasty aimed at, and what is the most suitable age for ear plastic surgery?

Otoplasty surgery can be done at all ages, but the most suitable candidates are young children from the age of about 7 years. The ears acquire their final shape at the age of 5-6 years. Correction in childhood is recommended to avoid teasing by their classmates. The prerequisite is the cooperation of the young patient.

Otoplasty – Ear Plastic Procedure
The otoplasty procedure is very simple, whether it is an adult or a small child. The otoplasty operation is performed with local anesthesia, both in children and adults. In the morning, the child or adult enters the clinic. With local anesthesia and through an incision that is well hidden behind the ear, the skin is detached from the underlying cartilage. Then, we fold the cartilage (anthelically), correcting its shape. At the same time, the projection or hypertrophy of the orbit is corrected. Finally, a small part of the skin behind the ear is removed, thus completing the otoplasty operation. The exit from the clinic takes place on the same day of the surgery, while it is recommended to apply an elastic bandage for the first period (7-10 days). The elastic bandage can be replaced with a ribbon for later.

Recovery – Healing time after Otoplasty
Recovery is very fast. Application of the compressive elastic band forces abstinence from work for the first 10 days. Then, it is recommended that the patient wear the elastic band while sleeping, and only for about 15 days. For children, the return to school can be done after 10 days, because in addition there is a fear of injury due to activities. Sutures are removed on the 10th – 15th day.

Additional Information – Frequently Asked Questions about Otoplasty

When only one ear flies, can only that be fixed and the other not bothered?

In the otoplasty operation, both ears are always corrected to ensure absolute symmetry. The incisions – scars are hidden behind the ear, and are not visible. It is recommended that the patient avoid wearing glasses for a period of one month after the otoplasty operation .The possibility of slight hypoesthesia in the ears after the surgery makes them sensitive, and for this reason care must be taken in alternating hot and cold water during the shower to avoid burns.

Otoplasty side effects
Possible side effects are hematoma, inflammation, misshapen scar.

Results of Otoplasty
The results of ear plastic surgery are permanent.


Plastic surgery of detached ears, flying ears, is a very common operation in Plastic Surgery. It concerns young and old, but it is preferable for the Plastic Surgeon to correct ears that ‘fly’ during childhood. It takes 2 months for the swelling to completely subside. It is recommended that the patient not wear glasses for about 1 month. Also, exercise is not allowed for the first month.

Extra otoplasty tip:

The choice of the most suitable surgical technique for the restoration of detached ears is of great importance to avoid their recurrence.

Profhilo EN

In which areas is it applied?

it\s applied
-on the face,
-on the neck,
– in hands,
-on the arms and abdomen

PROFHILO – injectable treatment that promotes the support of the oval of the face in a unique way

What is Profhilo and why is it unique?

Profhilo is a new injectable anti-aging and skin firming-relaxing treatment.
It contains low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (a key component of the extracellular substance of the tissues, i.e. the substance found between the cells and whose main role is the binding of water), which interact with each other in a unique way based on Hydrolift Action technology.

What does this mean in practice?

The innovative composition of Profhilo makes it unique in restoring skin hydration in a natural way while at the same time improving its elasticity-firmness.

What are the effects of Profhilo?

– Profhilo deeply moisturizes the skin,
-promotes the synthesis of new collagen,
– improves elasticity
-gives shine and
-restores skin firmness

How is it applied?

With the BAP technique, i.e. injecting at 5 points on each side of the face or neck.
The whole process is quick and painless.
After applying an anesthetic cream for 15 minutes, we proceed to inject the product into the BAP points.
We call BAP points bio-aesthetic points because they are the points that need more hydration and support.
From those points, the product will spread in a natural, unique and three-dimensional manner in a radius of about 2 centimeters, creating hydration and support for the face, restoring its oval.
After application there may be some slight swelling at the injection sites which will resolve in 4 to 24 hours maximum.

What to expect after application?

Two sessions are required 4 weeks apart.
From the first day, the results gradually begin to be seen, while after 8 weeks the skin looks incredibly shiny, hydrated and firm as new collagen and elastin will have been created.
Profhilo does not swell or alter facial features.
Needs maintenance with one application after 6-9 months.

From what age is Profhilo treatment indicated?

After the age of 30 for prevention and preservation of youth as well as for older ages that see the first signs of loss of elasticity and the first wrinkles.

Conclusion: Profhilo injectable treatment awarded as unique and innovative of its kind


Profhilo combines two hyaluronics of different molecular weight 2 ml and 64mg/dl of total molecular weight that interact in a unique way offering immediate and continuous reconstruction of the tissues restoring the tumors to the support points. It combines deep hydration with the mechanical action of lifting without altering the features of the face.


Nucleofill EN

How it is applied

With the BAP technique, i.e. at the 5 points of support and regeneration of the face in 2 to 4 applications depending on the needs and the protocol to be applied. It is applied to the eyes, hair, body and hands using the method of microinjections, creating microbubbles.

Τι είναι ακριβώς είναι το NUCLEOFILL

Πρόκειται για ένα νέο φυσικό προϊόν αντιγήρανσης που περιέχει πολυνουκλεοτίδια ( ή αλλιώς πολυδεσοξυριβονουκλεοτίδια ) και ανήκει στην κατηγορία βιοδιεγερτώνΤα πολυνουκλεοτίδια προάγουν την παραγωγή νέου κολλαγόνου τύπου 1 επιτυγχάνοντας την σύσφιξη της επιδερμίδας ενώ παράλληλα ασκούν έντονη αντιοξειδωτική δράση και δεσμεύουν μεγάλες ποσότητες νερού.

Σε ποιές περιοχές εφαρμόζεται και σε ποιούς απευθύνεται

Υπάρχουν τρία διαφορετικά προϊόντα NUCLEOFILL ανάλογα την περιοχή που
  • το NUCLEOFILL MEDIUM και το NUCLEOFILL STRONG για το οβάλ του προσώπουτον λαιμότα χέρια και το σώμα
  • το NUCLEOFILL SOFT για τα μάτια
  • το NUCLEOFILL MEDIUM PLUS HAIR για τα μαλλιά
Απευθύνεται σε όλουςανεξαρτήτου ηλικίας και τύπου δέρματοςπου θέλουν να ενισχύσουν τόσο το οβάλ όσο και την ενυδάτωση του δέρματοςΕπίσης απευθύνεται σε όλους όσους επενδύουν στην αντιγήρανση και την πρόληψη από νωρίς.

What to expect and when its results become visible

After the first 10 days from the first application, the results are noticeable on many levels and depending on the injected area such as:

  • long-lasting hydration of the skin by binding large amounts of water
  • lifting effect, correction and tightening of the oval of the face lasting up to 18 months
  • production of type 1 collagen and improvement of skin elasticity
  • reduction of fine wrinkles
  • shine
  • anti-aging


How long do the results last?

Results last up to 18 months. It is an all-natural innovative anti-aging product.



How exactly do they contribute to antiaging?
Aging is a state of mild chronic inflammation that leads tissues to decline in function.
Exosomes exert a strong anti-inflammatory effect by restoring the damage from chronic inflammation, i.e. the damage of aging!!!

EXOSOMATS exosomes, the new treatment that revolutionizes the field of Regenerative Medicine.

What exactly is exosome therapy?
Exosomes are nanoparticles-vesicles derived from stem cells that carry growth factors, cytokines, proteins, nucleotides and lipids.

What are their differences from stem cells?
They are a better and safer choice than stem cells because they penetrate more efficiently into the cells carrying all the information and material they need.
Also, precisely because they are not cells but cell derivatives, they do not have the ability to multiply, which makes them safer than stem cells!!
These are their main differences from stem cells.

They also exercise
– strong antioxidant action helping to correct damage from oxidative stress #oxidativestress

What other actions do #exosomes have?
-They have a strong vascular action (they make new vessels)
-protect the DNA of the cells from the deterioration of time
-contribute to cell homeostasis
– produce up to 690% more collagen and 300% more elastin

In a few words
FIGHT inflammation
– They PENETRATE better and are safer than stem cells.

In the clinic we have ASCEplus SRKV which contains the 1st exosome in the world derived from stem cells filtered with the innovative ExoSCRT technology!!!

We apply them with the help of the micro needling technique with local anesthetic cream.
The person concerned can immediately return to his/her activities.
The results become immediately visible from the next day while they continue to improve for another 1-2 months.

A second application after a month is recommended for optimal results!