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Face Lifting


With time:

  • the skin loses its elasticity and moisture (causes: photoaging, environmental factors, smoking, alcohol, emotional stress),
  • facial fat stops being held in place, causing it to “move” downwards and forwards,
  • the skeleton changes, shrinks, the zygomatic arch and the chin project forward.

The face loses its firmness, shine, spots, wrinkles and sagging. The volumes of the face ‘descend’ downwards, while some parts of the skeleton project more forward. Thus, the face becomes longer and wider at the bottom. The plastic surgeon must keep all of these in mind to create a successful facelift.

Definition of Lifting
A face lift is a surgical procedure that corrects the sagging of the face and neck, while at the same time restoring its volume.

Best age for facelift
There is no rule. Generally from the age of 40 onwards, the facelift can be performed.

Each person ages differently, and this is due to genes and environment. Usually the interested person who comes and asks for a facelift has caught himself/herself in front of the mirror many times straightening the face with both hands. When this happens, then the next stage is a facelift.

An important factor for before and after are preventive treatments that tighten the skin and make it react in a different way to the surgical interventions of the lifting.

Lifting Procedure
In the previous meetings between the interested party and the Plastic Surgeon, all possible correction solutions, the real expectations of the patient, the surgical procedure, as well as the post-operative instructions should have been discussed .

If deemed necessary, some tests may precede the surgery.

On the morning of the operation, the patient comes to the clinic fasting from 8 o’clock. The necessary pre-operative examination is carried out and then the surgery.

There are different methods to correct facial and neck sagging. When the relaxation is normal or large, then we apply the classic lifting technique. With a moderate relaxation, we have the possibility to resort to newer techniques, such as mini-lifting and MACS Lifting (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension).

In the classic facelift, the incision starts at the temple and continues forward and behind the ear. The skin breathes and then prepares the SMAS, the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system, which straightens. Loose skin is removed.
In the mini-lift, the extent of skin incision and preparation of the SMAS is much smaller.

the MACS lift, (done with local and light anesthesia), the incision is limited in front of the ear and rises slightly to the temple. The SMAS is suspended with the help of two loop-shaped sutures. The suspension is carried out on the vertical axis (the neck is also straightened).

At the end of the surgery, the patient wears a pressure bandage on the face.

After surgery, an overnight stay in the clinic is recommended. For the MACS lift and mini-lift, it is possible to leave the clinic the same evening with instructions.

Recovery – Healing Time after Facelift
It takes 5 – 7 days for the oozing and excessive swelling to reduce. For about 10 days, it is recommended that the patient wears an elastic bandage on the face and head, and when sleeping she must have 2 pillows under her/his head. Washing the head is allowed after the first 2 days. During the first days, hard foods are prohibited, while exercise is allowed after the month.

Additional Information – Facelift FAQs

What is the key to the success of a facelift?
Success depends largely on the correct assessment of relaxation. An important factor is the quality of the skin and age.

How much skin should be removed in a facelift?
The rule is that the skin is not under tension when suturing. With newer facelift techniques, we tend to remove less skin. It is the suspension of the SMAS that makes the difference in the facelift, not the removal of the skin.

How many years does the interested person gain with Lifting?
With the facelift we gain 7-10 years, but the aging process does not stop. The clock is indeed turning back, but it continues to turn.

What medications or nutritional supplements should be stopped before surgery?
Vitamin E, multivitamins, aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be discontinued 1 month prior to surgery. It is also recommended to stop smoking 15 days before.

Side Effects – Complications after Lifting
Possible side effects – complications: Inflammation, hematoma, flap necrosis.

Face Lift Cost
The cost of the facelift is adjusted depending on the surgical technique, anesthesia, etc.

Face Lift Results
The results of the facelift are permanent, and the patient gains 7 – 10 years. The aging process continues, that is, the clock of time has turned back, but it continues to turn.

A facelift is the only option a Plastic Surgeon has to correct sagging of the face and neck, and is not a substitute for any other treatment. The younger the patient, the better the skin responds after the facelift.
