When should a mole be removed?
A mole should be removed when:
- is clinically suspected,
- presents with itching, bleeding, as well as when it is in a place that is mechanically irritated by friction,
- his presence creates a lot of anxiety for the person concerned.
Definition of Moles
Moles (olives) are divided into congenital moles (appearing at birth or the first months of life) and acquired (appearing throughout life).
These are flat or swollen lumps of brown or blue color. A large increase in their number is observed during puberty (due to hormonal changes). During puberty, moles darken and increase in size. Changes can occur after years, as well as during pregnancy.
It needs attention, because all changes are not always innocent.
When is a mole suspicious and what should we be concerned about?
A mole is considered suspicious (suspected of developing melanoma) when it shows a change in one of the following five places:
Points ABCDE (rule)
A= nevus asymmetry – change along one axis
B= irregular, indistinct boundaries
C=color change, variety of colors
D=diameter >6 mm
Risk factors – increased risk for developing melanoma
There are some factors that are more conducive to the development of melanoma.
These factors are:
- fair skin phototype (type 1 or type 2),
- number of moles (those with a large number of moles are more likely to metastasize),
- sunburns, mainly during childhood or adolescence,
- the dysplastic mole syndrome (atypical moles with irregular borders),
- large congenital nevus (present at birth).
When is the best time to remove a mole?
Whenever necessary, the mole should be removed. During the summer months, it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the scar.
Mole removal process – Olive
The process is very simple. The removal is done under local anesthesia, and the mole is sent for histopathological examination (biopsy).
The mole should be removed in its entirety along with healthy skin around it, and sent for histological examination no matter how innocent it appears. Do not use a laser to remove it.
Recovery – Recovery Time after Mole removal
There is no abstinence from activities. The person concerned does not need to take any precautions. He returns to the doctor’s office to have the stitches removed and receive the histology response.
Additional Information – Frequently Asked Questions about moles
What is dysplastic mole syndrome?
Dysplastic mole syndrome is characterized by the presence of 2 or more atypical moles on the body.
Atypical moles have the following characteristics:
- are larger than common moles,
- εthey are colorful,
- they have irregular borders and shadow around them.
They appear during childhood, and their characteristics change during adolescence. Dysplastic nevi have a 6% higher chance of developing melanoma, while if there is a family history the chances increase to 15%. When the syndrome of dysplastic moles occurs, it is mandatory to self-examine the moles with the help of a mirror every month, but also to have them examined every year by the plastic surgeon or dermatologist. A lot of sun protection is also recommended. Apart from the common moles, congenital moles and dysplastic moles, are there other types of moles?
We mention them:
- Cyan mole. This is a deep blue mole with clear borders that is unique and appears during childhood, with greater frequency on the extremities and dorsum of the hands. It does not present a possibility of transformation into melanoma.
- Spitz’s mole. It appears on the face of young children as a lump of reddish or pink color.
Moles should be examined by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist once a year, because early diagnosis is crucial. Protection from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays is also important. Sunburns, especially during childhood, are responsible for the development of melanoma. Long exposure to the sun during life is responsible for the remaining skin cancers.
When a mole looks suspicious, we should immediately contact a Plastic Surgeon. Mole removal is a very simple and frequent minor surgery in Plastic Surgery.